
Misaki Capital is “Constructivist”

Regain the original function of equity investing where shareholders contribute to management

It appears that the world of equity investments is still driven by short-termism. Some investors are just betting on quarterly earnings and trying to gain profits through short-term trading. Others are just interested in making up immediate events that would raise share prices even though they boast themselves as an “activist”. However, the original role of an investor should be understanding corporate management from a longer perspective and contributing to increase corporate value.

It is our wish to establish a new shareholder model here in Japan. We envision a model where investors become long-term shareholders and support the evolution of companies by working alongside the management.

We will try to increase corporate values of companies we invest in as an engagement fund that focuses on social impact and embodies the spirit of a stewardship code which is different from passive funds and hostile activist funds.


Misaki Capital is “Constructivist”

Misaki’s Axiom

Trinity Management